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Best among humans, the tathāgata 

tames and guides us; he cuts the bonds and fetters. His faculties peaceful, pacified, skilled in peace – to him who dwelled in Śrāvastī, I bow down.


From Vinayavibhaṅga 

The Tale of the Ancient
Jeta Grove of Śrāvastī

A long, long time ago, there was a wealthy, generous merchant. Due to his generosity, he is known by his nickname Anāthapiṇḍika – as literally "one who gives alms (piṇḍa) to the unprotected (anātha)". One day, he visits his brother-in-law, who lived in Rājagṛiha. During this trip, he meets Śākyamuni, the historical Buddha (c. 5th to 4th century BCE). After reflecting and practicing the teachings given by Śākyamuni, the merchant discovers a deeper understanding of life. He thinks to himself: It would be beneficial for the people of my land if Śākyamuni could come and teach them. He invites Śākyamuni to his hometown called Śrāvastī. Śākyamuni gladly accepts the invitation.

Upon his return back to his hometown, the merchant begins the preparation for Śākyamuni’s stay in Śrāvastī. Being seṭṭhi or a ‘wealthy person’, he proposes to buy a piece of forest land from a prince named Jeta, the son of King Prasenajit of Kosala kingdom. Not interested in selling the land, Jeta sets an exuberant price for the land. Honouring Jeta’s wish, and spending one third of his wealth, Anāthapiṇḍika gives the amount. Witnessing Anāthapiṇḍika’s generosity first hand, Prince Jeta also collaborates with Anāthapiṇḍika, constructing a hermitage for Śākyamuni. Upon its completion, the two, along with the people of Śrāvastī, welcome Śākyamuni. Finally, Śākyamuni arrives at the hermitage and begins guiding the body, speech, and minds of the people of Śrāvastī. As Anāthapiṇḍika initially imagined, he and Prince Jeta, along with the people of Śrāvastī benefited from the presence of the Buddha and his wisdom.


This hermitage is where Śākyamuni gave numerous discourses, spending the longest part of his adult life there – 24 years in total. Situated within the hermitage complex, we still find today a special cottage named Mulagandha Kuti, or Scent Cottage, where Buddha lived. Even though Śākyamuni traveled to all kinds of places that he was invited to, he always returned back to Anāthapiṇḍika’s hermitage in the monsoon season every year, spending a total of 24 years there. In the ancient Buddhist scriptures, the hermitage is referred to as "Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery in Jeta's Forest" to give recognition to both benefactors. The place is located in Uttar Pradesh, a state in Northern India, and still known as Jetavan or Jeta grove.

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The essence of the Buddhas pervades all beings. Generate the most vast and sublime of intentions, for each and every being has the cause of awakening – there is not a single sentient being who lacks this potential.


Buddha Śākyamuni, King of Samādhi Sūtra 

Jeta Garden Foundation
Jeta Garden Foundation

Set in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, in 2021, Jeta Garden Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to establish a place for carrying out the activities of learning and practicing the wisdom and compassion taught by the Buddha. Through these activities, it also aims to help other people cultivate the well-being of their bodies and minds.

Under its spiritual guide, Venerable Sabchu Rinpoché, the organization sets out a plan to build a house as a venue for spiritual activities, such as meditation and yoga, and to accommodate spiritual teachers, such as Sabchu Rinpoché. This house will cover only one third of the land. The remaining two thirds of the land will be dedicated for a meditation garden named Jeta Garden, commemorating the ancient Jeta Grove. Rinpoché understands an organization, especially a Buddhist organization, as people working together. The legal body, from his point of view, is only an instrument to realize the shared goal and support the shared path of the people. Following Rinpoché’s direction, and in the hopes of serving the people just the way Anāthapiṇḍika did, we look forward to the completion of the project for the benefit of all people in the region and beyond.

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I have shown you the methods that lead to liberation, but you should know that liberation depends upon yourself.


Buddha Śākyamuni

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Monks and learned ones, just as gold is burnt, cut, and rubbed, examine my words carefully and do not accept them simply out of respect.


Buddha Śākyamuni

The Teacher
The Teacher

Venerable Sabchu Rinpoché


Sabchu Rinpoché was born in Nepal. The late 14th Shamar Rinpoche formally recognized him as the 5th incarnation of Sabchu Rinpoché during the transmission of the Tersar empowerments given at Nagi Gompa by the late Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. The young Sabchu Rinpoché was presented with his robes before all who were present, including the four Karma Kagyu regents and many other important figures of the Karma Kagyu lineage. The formal ceremony took place twice, first in Rumtek Dharma Chakra Centre, and then in the monastery of Swayambhu.

​Rinpoché moved to the Swayambhu monastery at an early age and began studying Tibetan language and the fundamental practices of the Karma Kamtsang lineage. He received many empowerments, reading transmissions, and instructions from great masters, beginning with the New Treasure collection given by the late Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. The late Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche conferred the three Dzogchen collections; the late Tenga Rinpoche gave the reading transmission of the Tengyur, the translated treatises; Nyenpa Rinpoche gave the reading transmission of the Kangyur, the translated teachings of the Buddha; Trangu Rinpoche gave the Kagyu Ngak Dzö, the Tantra Treasury empowerments; the late Pénor Rinpoche conferred the Rinchen Terdzö, the Treasury of Precious Termas; Sakya Trizin gave the Druptab Küntü, the Compendium of Sadhanas; Luding Khenchen Rinpoche gave the Gyüdé Küntü, the Compendium of Tantras; and the late Shamar Rinpoche transmitted the empowerments and reading transmission of the Chigshé Kündröl, the empowerment collection by 9th Karmapa Wangchuk Dorjé. Sabchu Rinpoché also received many practice instructions from different qualified meditation masters. He studied the scriptures and philosophical treatises under Khenpo Shenpen, and later with under Khenpo Chödrak Rinpoche at the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute.

He spent one year practicing chöd in Pharping. At the age of eighteen, he began a three-year retreat in Pharping under the guidance of Maniwa Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche. There, Rinpoché received the Karma Kamtsang transmissions traditionally practiced in retreat. Afterwards, he began traveling and teaching in Europe and North America. After traveling and teaching for several years, Rinpoché completed a Bachelor’s degree in Film and Media Production in Canada. Rinpoché divides his time between personal retreat, as well as teaching in Asia and Europe.

Sabchu Rinpoche
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All beings are buddhas but this is concealed by adventitious stains. When their stains are purified, their buddhahood is revealed.


— Buddha Śākyamuni, Hevajra Tantra

The Project
The Project

Both Natalia and Dimitri are seasoned practitioners of Dharma. The two approached me with a proposal of establishing a physical base in Karlovy Vary for my Dharma activities. With a few verses of auspicious prayers, I accepted the idea. Though I personally do not see the need for my base per se, nonetheless, I support the proposal as it now evolved into what I can call a ‘Dharma sanctuary.’

When we look back in the Buddhist history in the ancient Indian subcontinent, we can generally make some correlations between the decline of Buddhism and the destruction of great vihāras, stupas, and temple complex. On the other hand, when we look at the history of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet, we can also see a correlation between the successive construction of the aforementioned physical bases, such as Samye monastery and the like, and the exponential growth in the number of practitioners. Although the timeless Dharma is above and beyond materiality, above the physicality of beams and pillars of a building, nevertheless, we, as human beings, rely on materiality as the stepping-stone. We need a place to go to. We need a building (or garden) to say “this is where I go to, to practice.” We need a real person to look at, to listen to. These arrangements are particularly important in the beginning. Buddhism in the West is relatively new and there is a growing number of Buddhist centres. This is great! Such a phenomenon reflects the modern, Western people’s receptivity toward Buddha. It also shows the fact that Dharma is needed here, so the more, the merrier! It is through this prism that we need to perceive the Buddhist temples and centres around the world. These outer, physical bases can truly serve the function of supporting our inner pursuits, such as those for peace and a meaningful life.

In short, I would like to express that I believe this project will serve the function of helping people discover temporary and ultimate well-being. Along with my entrusted friends, Natalia and Dimitri, I join my palms together, encouraging you to find value in this meaningful creation named Jeta Garden. Please consider becoming a part of timeless merit. Thank you!

— Sabchu Rinpoché

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In this, there is not a thing to be removed, nor the slightest thing to be added. It is looking perfectly into reality itself, and when reality is seen, one becomes liberated.


— Asaṅga, Treatise on the Sublime Continuum (4th century CE)

Who We Are?
Who We Are:
the People Behind Jeta Garden
Natalia Larina

Natalia Larina comes from a medical background. Being a doctor, and having first hand experience of treating patients with varied types of ailments, she explored alternative medicines, including the practice of meditation. After studying many years, under the guidance of a number of teachers, Natalia finds great meaning and value in the teachings of the Buddha in modern times. While practicing medicine in Karlovy Vary, Natalia is the founder and main coordinator behind Jeta Garden Foundation.

Dimitri Mousko

Dimitri Mousko, PhD comes from an engineering background. After completing his studies, Dimitri invested a number of years in the power and process automation industries. All the while, he also searched for deeper meanings of life through spirituality. After taking refuge in the Three Jewels in 2006, Dimitri continued on, deepening his understanding through the guidance of various Buddhist teachers. At present Dimitri practices under the guidance of Sabchu Rinpoché and, alongside his practice, he dedicates his full attention to the Jeta Garden project.

How to Support

Beside financial help, there are many other ways you can also support this project. Please feel free to contact us should you wish to know the precise areas where we need help at the moment. The best way to get in touch with us is via email or through the contact form below. We highly recommend reaching out to us if you wish to know more about the project.

Information for donations:


Donation in EUR:

Recipient: Jeta Garden Foundation

UniCredit Bank

IBAN: CZ8927000000001404525019

Account 1404525019/2700



Donation in CZK:

Recipient: Jeta Garden Foundation

UniCredit Bank

IBAN: CZ2027000000001404525000

Account 1404525000/2700



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